- 600 g rib- of sukadelappen (Iers rundvlees) op kamertemperatuur
- 3 el olijfolie
- 2 rode uien, in ringen
- 400 g wortels, geschrapt
- 1 el gemalen komijn
- 1 blik tomatenblokjes (400 g)
- 1 blik kikkererwten (400 g)
- 75 g gedroogde abrikozen
- 2 el geroosterd sesamzaad
- 2 takjes verse munt
- 15 g coriander
- 250 g cherry tomatoes on the branch
- 4 tbsp thick yogurt (Greek or Turkish)
- 1 clove garlic, halved
- 400 ml water
- Ovenproof casserole
Irish beef stew is the secret ingredient to a delicious stew! Our cattle get a lot of exercise because they are outside for an average of 220 days a year. Then they eat fresh juicy grass. But even in the winter months they mainly eat grass, in the form of hay and silage grass. For example, their diet consists of 90% grass and you can taste it! A lot of exercise and a lot of grass gives Irish beef marblinga nice fat marbling and a full intense taste. Perfect for the stew! Enjoy your meal!
Irish beef stew is the secret ingredient to a delicious stew! Our cattle get a lot of exercise because they are outside for an average of 220 days a year. Then they eat fresh juicy grass. But even in the winter months they mainly eat grass, in the form of hay and silage grass. For example, their diet consists of 90% grass and you can taste it! A lot of exercise and a lot of grass gives Irish beef marblinga nice fat marbling and a full intense taste. Perfect for the stew! Enjoy your meal!